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Business contact:13906266685
International business: 13962686988
Address: No.168,Dongfang Road,Zhoushi Town,Kunshan City
Location:主页 > english > Service > Looking to the future
Looking to the future

 Looking forward to the future, we have a long way to go. We will keep pace with the times and create a better tomorrow. 
        Company performance (partial customer list) 
        Changshu Huamei Copper Clad Laminate Co., Ltd.  
        Changzhou Zhenghang Decoration Materials Co., Ltd.  
        Changzhou Yaming Wood Industry Co., Ltd.  
        Zouping Guanghua Sheet Co., Ltd.  
        Shandong Qunxing Paper Co., Ltd.  
        Changzhou Changmet  
        Sichuan Yibin Changjiang Afforestation Commissioner Ningzhumu Products Factory  
        Changzhou Sino-British Technology Co., Ltd.  
        Xinshao County Guangxin Electric Insulation Material Co., Ltd.  
        Liaoyang Industrial Paperboard Co., Ltd.  
        Taizhou Xinyuan Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.  
        Shanghai Yazhong Trade Development Co., Ltd.  
        Suining Baoqing United Paper Co., Ltd.